How much does it cost to cancel American Airlines flight?

Suppose you have made a decision to cancel your American Airlines ticket and are now wondering how much it costs to cancel. Well usually, the ticket canceling fee depends on several factors like route, fare type, cabin class, domestic or international destination, and others. Usually, the Fee increases as the departure date comes nearer. Below are the ranges of fees that you may see on American Airlines. 

Fee charges.

  • Basic Economy: Cancellation is not allowed for any domestic and international flights.
  • Economy and Premium Economy: $200 for all flights.
  • And other fare types: Free cancellation on all flights.

Note: Keep aware that you won't get any cost for ticket cancellation if your ticket was canceled within the risk free period. 

 What is the American Airlines Ticket cancellation policy?

Let's understand what American Airlines Cancellation policy brings to their customers to give them flexibility on flight cancellation. It is recommended to remember the policy so that you can save on your ticket cancellation. Below are some salient features of the cancellation policy that will help you.

 Rules and Guidelines for American Airlines Flight Cancellation.

  • Cancellation is not allowed after check-in.
  • Within the first 24 hours of reservation, it will be free.
  • Only refundable canceled tickets are eligible for full reimbursement.
  • A cancellation fee would be charged exclusive of fare difference if any and applicable. 
  • Cancellation fees may vary for different fares, routes of flight, and other factors.
  • You will not get a full refund if the canceled flight was departing within seven or less days.
  • If any case is found at the time you are boarding your flight and you have failed to showcase the required documents, in that case, the airline has the right to cancel your ticket.

 How can I cancel my American Airlines Flight Ticket?

As now you have learnt the policy, let's understand the process of cancellation. If you have met with an unconditional situation where you have to return your flight tickets then specific methods help you to request the airline for ticket cancellation and get the refund back.

Online method.

  • Go to and then tap on the MY trips tab to access my booking page.
  • After reaching there, enter your booking credentials to retrieve your flight details.
  • Later select your flight and then tap the flight cancel option.
  • Follow the process and pay the applicable fee.
  • Confirmation will be sent to your mobile and email.

 Cancellation on the phone.

  • Dial  800-433-7300 or +1 80 2538 7008 and then follow the calling steps.
  • You will connect with the representative.
  • They will process your ticket cancellation.
  • They ask for the fee to pay, and after that, it will be done.

 Reaching the counter.

You can visit the airport ticketing counter and request cancellation, show them the booking details, and they will cancel it quickly. 

 Final words.

The outcome of the above content is that you have the flexibility to cancel your american airlines flight ticket and also how you can cancel it easily. To know about an American Airlines flight cancellation then, you can visit the support portal and read the support article related to this.